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My plans in a nutshell:

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Forward thinking solutions for a city that is currently run by leaders who are stuck in the past. 

  • Maximum efficiency for the betterment of the city

  • Ensuring the safety and prosperity of our community

  • Sure and reliable roads and infrastructure

  • Privatizing the food pantry

  • Revitalizing Clinton Drive

Galena Park deserves a mayor and city council that puts #GalenaParkFirst.

A little bit about me.

What sparked my desire to run for mayor is a deep sense of appreciation for the city. My family and I have been a part of this community for over 30 years. I remember seeing the Welcome to Galena Park sign on the first trip into the city the day my grandparents moved here from Northside. I remember seeing the Paul Bunyan mural in all its glory on Clinton. When you look around today, the sign is gone and the mural is a weathered shadow of what it once was. The only improvements are the brand new posters of the current mayor. She loves her signs and she loves the spotlight, but for the life of me, I don’t see any evidence that she loves Galena Park. I will put the city back at the top of the priority list. We should be growing and developing. We should be fixing the city water lines and the deteriorating streets. We will make a commitment to our brave police and firefighters that city hall works for them, not the other way around. I will open up city hall and invite the citizens to take an active role in city council meetings. How does city business get done when the meetings last 3 to 5 minutes?

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